
Infographics are visual representations of information. They can include numbers, text, images, or any combination of the three. Just as in traditional writing assignments, an infographic can take on any of the various rhetorical modes — informative, instructive, descriptive, persuasive, etc. Infographics provide quick way to convey a lot of information. For example, this infographic on Integrating Virtual Clinics conveys interesting data much more concisely than another paragraph inserted here could have:Students will create an Infographic on the topic of Telehealth. Students should create an infographic that is easily understood by the lay public or general population. The infographic should provide information useful to communicating the “What, Why, When and How” of Telehealth. Students may choose to focus on one or more the following suggested topic areas, however, students may choose their own relevant telehealth topic areas of:Telehealth Versus TelemedicineEnvironments or SystemsPopulation HealthHealth Promotion and Illness PreventionIntegrative HealthTechnologies and InnovationProvider AccessPatient AccessPolicy ImplicationsLegal ImplicationsClinical Practice IssuesEducation/Training NeedsResearch ImplicationsQuality of CareOutcome ManagementMUST USE ONE OF THESE PLATFORMSInfogr.am, Easelly, Piktochart, and Visme.

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