Assignment Directions for Statistical Analysis of Community Health Data

Assignment Directions for Statistical Analysis of Community Health Data

  1. If you do NOT use the Course Template there will be a 10- point grade penalty per assignment, and you will be required to resubmit within 48 hours or a zero will be given. The Course Template runs consecutively from Week 1 through Week 3. Following are the components you’ll include in your paper on Community Statistics, Week 2.
  2. Review your subjective data from your windshield survey and interview with key informants. In this assignment you will supplement subjective data with objective data.

The survey focused on the Embree community-based in Garland, Texas. The study indicates the community integrates healthy living habits, as indicated by the availability of ambulatory services to the local population—healthy eating habits through the intake of a balanced diet and observing eating hours. The community is also keen on environmental protection by adopting effective waste disposal methods and wearing protective gear during motorbike rides. However, excessive alcohol consumption among the youths and adults poses a health risk as it increases accident rates. Secondly, poor nutritional habits among the youthful population and homelessness of a small percentage of the community also pose a health risk. An interview with a police officer affirms that alcohol abuse is a significant health concern for the community. The report will provide a statistical analysis of the health issues in the city.

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  1. Gather data about your community and provide comparison data with the larger group. You may NOT use tables, charts or graphs for this data; use only narrative to describe the data.  Assignments with tables, charts, or graphs will receive a ZERO. The following objective data must be included:
  • Demographics: total population, age distribution, gender distribution, family characteristics (single parent, multi-family, etc.)

The Embree community’s total population estimate is 239,928 compared to the total U.S. population of 328,239,523. Infants represent 7% of the community population, while the U.S. has 6.0% of infants.27.1% are under 18 years while the state has 22.3% of persons in the age bracket. The elderly makes 11.5% of the total population than the U.S., with 16.5% of the older people. The females in the region make up to 50.8% and 49.2% males than the national population with an equal percentage.

Family characteristics: The total number of households is 75,439 with 3.15 persons per household.50.1% of persons aged five years and above speak a native language at home compared to the U.S. which has a total number of families is 119,730,128 with 2.63 persons per household.85.5%.21.5% of persons aged five years and above speak a native language at home.

Garland city population is approximately the average of the state numbers. However, the city has a lower number of households with a higher number of persons per household. Both the country and the Garland city depict a high proportion of women. During the survey, one could notice many women while driving around the town (U.S. Census Bureau QuickFacts: The United States. 2018).

  • Racial/ethnic characteristics

The community comprises 63.9% of the whites compared to 76.3% in the state population.14.0% represents the African-American group while the state has 13.4%. Hispanic represent 42.8% of the population compared to 18.5% in the country. The community has 11.1% of Asian racial compared to 5.9% in the broader U.S. community. Mixed racial groups take 3.5% of the population compared to 2.8% in the U.S. There are approximately 8,893 veterans in the community between the years 2014-2018 compared to 18,611,432 veterans in the U.S. Foreigners who migrated into the city between 2014-2018 represent 29.4% of the local population compared to 13.5% in the state (U.S. Census Bureau QuickFacts: The United States. 2018).

By Drawing a comparison between the local community and the state data, Garland city presents a higher proportion of the Hispanic and a lower proportion of whites. However, during the survey, one could see so many whites across the streets, which does not reflect in the census data. On the day of the community study, the noticeable population was almost 70% whites.

  • Economy: unemployment rates, median income, poverty rate

The estimated population of individuals 16 years and above in employment is 68.9% compared to 62.9% in the U.S. state. The females in the civilian labor force make up to 61.6% in the local community compared to 58.2% of females in the labor force in the U.S. The average salaries for workers in the community is $58,999 in comparison with the state’s average salary of $60,293. The city’s poverty rate is 14.2% while the poverty rate in the U.S. lies at 11.8% (U.S. Census Bureau QuickFacts: United States. 2018


  • Education: high school completion rates, higher education statistics

The percentage of high school graduates, between the year 2014-2018 and above the age of 25 years is 76.3 % compared to 87.7% of high school graduates in the state,22.8% of the high school graduates pursue higher learning in the community compared to 31.5% in the country (U.S. Census Bureau QuickFacts: the United States. 2018).



  • Other data, as indicated (air, water quality, crime rates, etc.)

Texas’s estimate for crime rates is;405.9 for violent crime rate.4.4 for murder and manslaughter,42.3 for rape cases .115.7 for Robbery, and 243.6 for aggravated assault. The numbers are estimated per 100000 population (2017). The air quality is excellent as the city borders natural resources, and the community disposes of garbage appropriately. Water quality is fair in the area.


  1. Gather Objective Data Specific to the Community Health Issues Identified from the Subjective Findings. NOTE: These data will serve as your “springboard” for your last paper in this sequence, your Community Health Nursing Intervention.  Pay close attention to what your findings tell you.  This information will indicate which community health resources (local, state, and/or national) can be mobilized to problem-solve.

There is 17.9% and approximately 16.5% of the adults and the youths respectively who consume excessive alcohol within the community; this compares with 16.9% and 17.7% of the total adult and youth in the country, respectively (Sortable Risk Factors and Health Indicators 2014). Excessive alcohol drinking is a dominant behavioral risk that prevails within the community. Alcohol consumption is also a health risk as it can cause chronic illnesses such as high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, stroke, and gut problems. It can also cause cancer of the gut and liver cirrhosis (Bouchery et al. 2011). During the survey,2 out of every five males rank as drunkards. Many pubs and alcohol selling joints in the market centers were evident. Most people could afford alcohol due to income generated from the businesses and construction sites in the locality. Male youths and adults abuse alcohol at an equal capacity, and most of them would drive while still drunk, thus causing fatal accidents. Due to drunken driving, the accident rates are approximately 8.4% out of the total 12.8% accidents within the community compared to 7.2% of alcohol-related accidents out of the 10.9% of the total motor vehicle accidents in the US (Sortable Risk Factors and Health Indicators 2014).

Obesity is prevalent among the youths in the community. The percentage of youth who adopt health nutritional measures in the community is approximately 16.40% compared to 14.8% in the US (Sortable Risk Factors and Health Indicators 2014). Obesity is a serious health problem among youths in the community. Obesity may result in health complications like heart diseases, hypertension, increase in blood-sugar levels, and sleep problems (Hales et al. 2017). During the survey, one out of every five youths was obese. This behavior showed concern about the nutritional habits of the youthful population. However, as the community assessment happened in the winter season, it was difficult to prove if the youths exercise as most of them remained indoors. There are fitness centers in the locality, but most youths indicated that the costs were too high to afford. Only a small percentage of individuals participate in physical exercise activities

  1. Analyze the subjective and objective findings
  • What conclusions have you arrived at? Conclusions are based on a review of your subjective and objective findings. Consider:
  • What impressions from your subjective observations were unfounded/invalid?


The impressions of the data were validated. Alcohol risk is a significant health issue that the community should address. The location ranks the highest in alcohol drinking in Texas, with a rate of 17.9% among the adults and 16.9% among the youths (Sortable Risk Factors and Health Indicators 2014). Drinking and driving contribute to the highest number of motor vehicle accident fatalities. Also, obesity is a significant concern for the community; This is a significant health concern for the nation, resulting in serious medical complications. Obesity relates to inadequate dietary intake among the city (Hales et al. 2017).


  • Given the objective data, what impressions were validated/substantiated?

All the subjective data was validated. Excessive alcohol consumption and obesity are a primary health concern for the Embree community, Texas, and the US nation. However, it was difficult to notice obesity during the survey, but the health care records indicate the high number of obese youths encountered each day.

  • What cause-and-effect relationships did you discover/identify?

It is clear that the high percentage of motor vehicle accidents are alcohol-related. Secondly, obesity among the youths relates to teenagers’ ignorance of healthy eating habits as the objective data depicts only a small percentage of teenagers are keen on healthy dietary intakes.

  1. Develop a Problem Analysis for Community/Zip Code which includes the following:  
  • Problem Correlates: These are factors that contribute to health problem. Example of Problem Correlate of Infant Malnutrition: Inadequate diet

The problem correlate of motor vehicle accident is excessive alcohol drinking among the adults and the youths. Secondly, excessive alcohol drinking attributes to ignorance and negative attitude by the drunkards. The problem that correlate of youth obesity is inadequate dietary intake.

  • Relationship of Correlate to Problem: Example: Diets lacking in required nutrients contribute to malnutrition

Poor nutritional habits among the youth’s results in obesity. Consequently, drunken drivers cause fatal motor vehicle accidents.

  • Data Supportive of Relationship: Refer to appropriate sections of the database and relevant research of the findings in current literature. Data in the third column could be local, state, or national statistics. Example: According to M.J (personal communication, date) all infants and children seen at the local Public Health Clinic are referred to the nutritionist because of poor diets  of infants measured 60% were in the lower percent for their weight/height (X Country Annual Report, 2014). According to the US Census Bureau (2014) in the US 25% of infants are malnourished compared to 35% in Dallas County.  

According to (2017), there is a high likelihood of deadly accidents in Garland Roads. Recent reports indicate high deaths from motor vehicle accidents, which coincide with motor vehicle accident rates in the US. Analysis of the report shows that 37% of the fatal accidents in the past five years resulted from alcohol-related accidents; This contributes to Texas state being the highest traffic death rates in the US. Sortable Risk Factors and Health Indicators (2014) provides that 10.9 % of US accidents are alcohol-related compared to 7.2% in Garland city.

Pelletier, Graham & Laska (2020) indicate that local health facilities incorporate nutritionists at primary care levels for young adults. Because of their poor eating habits further suggest that almost 30% of the youths who visit the facility are obese; This contributes to the 16.40% of the total youths with conditions related to poor eating habits in the community compared to 14.8% in the US (Sortable Risk Factors and Health Indicators 2014).

Walters et al (2009) indicate that the City of Garland has several Drug rehabilitation and alcohol treatment centers, alcoholic anonymous meetings, and therapists attributed to a high percentage of drunkards in the community. Sortable Risk Factors and Health Indicators (2014) for 16.9% and 17.7% of the adult and youth drinking respectively in the US compared to 17.9% and 16.9% of adult and youth drinking in Garland, Texas.

  1. Community Health Nursing Diagnoses: Write TWO priority community health nursing diagnoses based on your subjective and objective assessment findings from both Weeks 1 and 2. Do not use NANDA.
  • Use the following format (in bold) to structure your Community Health Nursing Diagnoses:
  • Risk of (State the health problem or risk.)
  • Among (Identify the population group affected.)
  • Related to (State factors contributing to the health problem or associated risk.)

Reference: Shuster, George F., (2014). Community as Client: Assessment and Analysis.

In Stanhope, Marcia and Lancaster, Jeanette, Public Health Nursing (8th

                                                                                             ed., pg. 413). Saint Louis, MO: Elsevier.




  • Format: Health Risk/problem of (specific injury, illness, or potential of, complication of, etc.) among (specific population) related to (supporting evidence from your assessment findings).
  • For example: Risk of asthma complications among children in SE Dallas County related to observations of overcrowded living conditions, lack of public transportation (may result in inability to access health care), high number of animals observed living in homes, poverty indications (may result in lack of access to medications).
  1. Considerations for CH Nursing Diagnosis:
  •   Your CHN Diagnoses MUST be something that a community/public health nurse can do something about.
  • Note: Poverty is NOT a CHN diagnosis.

Community Health Nursing Diagnoses #1

Injury risk among the male youths and adults related to alcohol-related accidents.

Community Health Nursing Diagnoses #2

Obesity risk among the youths related to poor eating habits

  1. Reference page:  Follow the APA guidelines.
  • APA focus for this paper:
  • Complete the template for this assignment.
  • Include in-text citation(s) of personal communications. Include in-text citations and reference community statistical information.  You must cite and reference, otherwise it is plagiarism.  Refer to course syllabus for consequences of plagiarism.
  •          Objective writing (for example, avoid biased language),
  • Formal writing  (for example, avoid use of contractions, numbers, etc.)
  • Use appropriate sentence structure, grammar, and flow.
  • Refer to the APA on-line tutorial, as needed. ( Follow all rubric information carefully to complete this assignment successfully.


(2017). Retrieved 10 July 2020, from

Bouchery, E. E., Harwood, H. J., Sacks, J. J., Simon, C. J., & Brewer, R. D. (2011). Economic costs of excessive alcohol consumption in the US, 2006. American journal of preventive medicine, 41(5), 516-524.

Garland, TX Accident Reports – (2014). Retrieved 10 July 2020, from

Hales, C. M., Carroll, M. D., Fryar, C. D., & Ogden, C. L. (2017). Prevalence of obesity among adults and youth: United States, 2015–2016.

Pelletier, J., Graham, D., & Laska, M. (2020). Social Norms and Dietary Behaviors among Young Adults.

Sortable Risk Factors and Health Indicators. (2014). Retrieved 10 July 2020, from

U.S. Census Bureau QuickFacts: United States. (2018). Retrieved 10 July 2020, from

Walters, S. T., Vader, A. M., Harris, T. R., & Jouriles, E. N. (2009). Reactivity to alcohol assessment measures: an experimental test. Addiction, 104(8), 1305-1310.

Community Statistical Data sources: Consider the following websites when gathering data.

US Census Bureau:


  • Click your state then click your city and county
  • Then click browse data sets for garland or Dallas or Texas and review social, economic, housing and demographic characteristics and compare city to county to state to nation


CDC site for health stats:



  • 20 health indicators (by state)
  • Click detail view to see health indicators by ethnicity/race
  • Click map view to see for US

CDC site to obtain county level health stats:


  • Click your state then click on your county…make sure to use rates so the data is comparable. Data for each state varies so you will need to look through the data for your state and county.


City County Data: 



  • Good site for basic data about zip code, demographics, mode of transportation, travel time to work, etc.


Crime stats: 


  • You will need to do 2 searches
  • First: State and nation
  • Click US Total and your state
  • Select  variables: violent and property crime rates
  • Select year (most recent year available)
  • Click get table
  • Second: State and city
  • Click all cities
  • Click the cities you are interested in
  • Click Violent and property crime RATES
  • Click the year.
  • Click get table.
  • Environmental Stats:
  • Scroll down to My Environment
  • Enter your zip code and review findings
  • Enter your zip code and review data regarding Toxics (especially Lead), Air water making sure to see how your county stacks up again all others in the US.
  • Also click variables on left column to see maps showing highest to lowest states

Your county and state health department may also have CH stats for zip codes, city, county and state, etc. reports) Most are by age, gender, race/ethnicity and region, county, city and/or Zip Code.


  • Submitting your Work
  1. Save the template to your Desktop with the filename, “yourname_Windshield SurveyandCommunityStatistics.” Insert your name in place of “yourname.”
  2. Submit your assignment to Canvas.
  • This assignment is due by Saturday, 11:59 PM of Module 2.
  • Please consult your Academic Coach for assistance, as needed.


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