CASP Qualitative Analysis

Nursing Essay Writing Service CASP Qualitative Analysis

  1. Was there a clear statement of the aims of the research?


The study’s objective is to explore the financial burden/stress that families experience from cancer. The researcher’s justification for the study’s aim includes; Most of the research on the implications of cancer on the family addresses emotional distress, coping behavior, the burden on the caregivers, and the quality of life. However, there are no studies on the economic and spiritual implications of cancer on the caregivers. The researchers indicate that the current literature does not address the impact of cancer-related financial issues on the family’s well-being, daily living activities, relationships, and roles. The researchers further indicate that there are limited studies in the UK that mainly focus on cancer and the financial burden. Most of the existing literature is from other countries, such as the United States (US). Thus, it has limited applicability in the UK due to disparities in welfare and healthcare insurance provision. Additionally, most publications on financial issues related to cancer focus on the family cost rather than the patient alone. The publications also focus on the costs incurred during treatment, and there is little emphasis on the expenses incurred during the recovery and the survivorship duration (Amir et al.,2012).

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  1. Is a qualitative methodology appropriate?


, The qualitative method is an excellent methodology for the analysis of the topic under investigation. Qualitative methodology is used when the researcher intends to explore people’s experiences as identified in the study. The researchers recruited forty people of age 18 years and above with cancer diagnosis and interviewed the possible carers; This indicates the researchers aim to obtain information from experienced individuals on the phenomenon under investigation. Qualitative methodology answers the “what,” “how,” and the “why” questions rather than seeking the numerical data to answer the question (Hammarberg, Kirkman and de Lacey,2016). For instance. The study intends to answer the “what” question by exploring the implications of cancer-related financial burden or stress on the family’s lifestyle. The qualitative methodology applies interviews as a data collection method to gain in-depth knowledge of the study’s phenomenon. For instance, in the study, the researchers designed one-on-one interviews and freely shared their experiences. Again, the talk was flexible to suit the participants(Amir et al.,2012).

  1. Was the research design appropriate to address the aims of the research?


The research design caters to the study needs. The researchers explain how they developed the research design. The researchers applied an exploratory qualitative research design based on grounded theory elements, including; using a flexible interview guide and concurrent data analysis through a constant comparative technique and theoretical sampling. The researchers considered the demands of the ethical committee in the research approach. Therefore, the researchers allowed the healthcare providers caring for the participants to identify, approach, and provide them with the study information and only interviewed those who consented. The researchers sampled the participants through a maximum variation approach as the method allows the qualitative researchers to address the variations in experiences and the main research issue. The researchers perceived sampling as more theoretical with the progress made in data collection and analysis(Amir et al.,2012).

  1. Was the recruitment strategy appropriate to the aims of the research?


Recruitment is an essential consideration for research. In qualitative analysis, the researchers aim to obtain information from a particular group with experiences on the phenomenon under investigation(Anderson,2017). For instance, in the article, the researchers get participants from the regional cancer center. The researchers adhered to the ethical committee requirements, thus involving a health professional or a support group to identify, approach, and provide study information to the participants. The researchers interviewed those who consented. There were no participants who dropped out of the study. The participants hailed from North West England and were under treatment or clinical follow-up in the hospitals within the region. The researchers selected participants with the informed consent age of 18 years and above with cancer diagnosis, and those with cancer were interviewed. The researchers sought specific information from the working participants and individuals who needed financial aid. The researchers also made efforts to increase the ratio of minority participants. The researchers indicate that the approached patients were 16 weeks post-diagnosis to allow them time to accept the situation and be aware of the actual financial difficulties. The researchers excluded patients without knowledge of diagnosis and provided the interviewees with patient consent(Amir et al.,2012).

  1. Was the data collected in a way that addressed the research issue?


The study setting was a North West England residential area, and data was collected from the individuals under treatment and those under clinical follow-up in the regional hospitals. The researchers sampled the participants purposively through the maximum variation sampling as the method allows them to identify variations of experiences and the main issue under investigation. Upon receiving consent forms, the researchers telephoned the study participants, responded to any concerns, and scheduled the interview date and time. The researchers recorded the interviews digitally upon consent, and the interviewers designed contextual notes. The researchers developed the interviews in a conversational style that allowed them to input the study topic. The researchers used a flexible interview guide and a simultaneous analysis. The interview guide design was as follows; asking the participants to provide information about any financial difficulties/stress experienced due to cancer treatment. The questions and prompts that followed explored all the participants’ financial situations due to cancer diagnosis, including the impact on children and the family. However, the researchers did not discuss data saturation(Amir et al.,2012).

  1. Has the relationship between the researcher and participants been adequately considered?


The research article mentions that the eligible participants were identified by the health professionals, the support groups, or the helpline contacts. It is difficult to identify any potential bias or influence as while the participants were identified by a different group and interviewed by the research personnel and digitally recorded. However, researchers or healthcare professionals’ relationship between the researcher and the participant may be influenced by reflexivity. Reflexivity is the researcher’s ability to be aware of their contribution to creating the meanings throughout the research process and acknowledging the impossibility of remaining “outside the forty participants’ during the research. The researchers enhanced the credibility of interpretation of the data and the research researcher’s ability amongst themselves and with the project advisory committee to compare and challenge their understanding, thus reducing the risk of potential bias(Amir et al.,2012).

  1. Have ethical issues been taken into consideration?


The researchers considered the ethical issues by adhering to the ethical committee requirements b involving the healthcare professionals and the support groups to identify, approach, and relay study information to the participants. The researchers indicate that only those who consented were interviewed. The researchers involved the participants with the ability to provide informed consent that is from age 18 years and above. The researchers interviewed the carers upon patient consent. The researchers sent the eligible participants the study information sheet and the consent form and telephoned them upon submitting the informed consent form. Interview recordings were anonymous. The researchers indicate that participation in the study was voluntary. The researchers sought ethical approval from the Salford and Trafford Local Research ethics committee and received ethical approval from the Research Development Committee(Amir et al.,2012).

  1. Was the data analysis sufficiently rigorous?


The research demonstrates an in-depth description of the analysis process. The researchers transcribed verbatim anonymous interviews and performed a thematic analysis. Thematic analysis is highly inductive as the themes emerge from the data and not influenced by the researchers, thus reducing bias through the NVIVO 7. The researchers read every transcript to understand its meaning, identified the common themes, and organized the relevant data to the themes. The researchers also considered contextual notes in the analysis. The researchers enhanced the credibility of interpretation of the data and the research rigor through discussions amongst themselves and with the project advisory committee to compare and challenge their understanding, thus reducing the risk of potential bias(Amir et al.,2012).

  1. Is there a clear statement of findings?


It is crystal clear that the researchers generated the following findings from the data analysis; cancer affects the family finances, the implications of cancer on family finances, the impact of financial problems on the families’ lifestyle, and the effects of economic issues on the roles and relationships. The researchers provided sufficient information for each theme to support their arguments. The researchers quote the participants’ narratives in the findings section. The study’s credibility is enhanced by the researcher’s findings on expenses and income loss align with what is identified in the previous publications. The results sufficiently answer the research question. There were no arguments against the research question(Amir et al.,2012).

  • How valuable is the research?

The researchers presented sufficient evidence on the impact of financial challenges and stress that cancer inflicts on family life. The research identifies issues that have not been previously addressed, thus generating new knowledge for the topic. The researchers indicate that the qualitative findings are hard to generalize; however, the purposive sampling used in the research produces a vast and rich data on the financial issues related to cancer. The researchers indicate that the findings are transferable as the readers are at liberty of judging if the results suit their needs and are relevant to their experiences. The researchers also indicate that transferability is possible for the findings on extra expenses and income loss. Again, the results boost the literature focus by identifying that cancer’s financial problems significantly affect family lifestyles, roles, and relationships. The researchers recommend further research on the blacks’ economic issues and the minority ethnic groups (Amir et al.,2012).


Amir, Z., Wilson, K., Hennings, J., & Young, A. (2012). The meaning of cancer: implications for family finances and the consequent impact on lifestyle, activities, roles, and relationships. Psycho‐Oncology, 21(11), 1167-1174.

Anderson, V. (2017). Criteria for evaluating qualitative research. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 1-9.

Hammarberg, K., Kirkman, M., & de Lacey, S. (2016). Qualitative research methods: when to use them and how to judge them. Human Reproduction, 31(3), 498-501.


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