Marie Case study

Marie Case study

One day prior to admission, Marie, who is 7-years-old, began to complain of abdominal pain associated with vomiting. The child also had loss of control of her legs, being unable to walk. Up to this point her health had been excellent with visits to the physician being limited to pre-school exams. At the local Emergency Room (ER), symptoms were consistent with gastroenteritis, although she was afebrile. One teaspoon of Donnatal elixir was given and she was discharged home. Throughout the evening, she was extremely restless complaining of pain wherever she was touched. Vomiting continued and diarrhea began. Because of increasing GIT problems and progressive weakness with irritability, she was returned the ER. On the way she became incontinent of urine. At the ER, Marie was flaccid with difficult breathing. She complained she could not see. She required intubation and oxygen. Blood gases showed pCO2=41.7, pO2=77.5 and pH=7.29. She began to have generalized twitching and was immediately referred to a large medical center. On arrival, she was admitted directly to the pediatrician intensive care unit (ICU). Without doing a physical examination, the resident was immediately impressed with her pinpoint pupil, weakness and the fact she was drooling despite a history of vomiting and diarrhea, might possibly result in dehydration. He thought that taking a history was important. Marie’s family was living in a farm and stated that the family’ pet had died some hours before Marie had become ill and he had foamed at the mouth and was weak shortly before death.

Q7: Which of the following is/ are considered specific antidote for Marie case ?, you can choose two: (0.5 mark)

  1. N acetyl cysteine

  2. Atropine

  3. Pralidoxime

  4. Malathion

8QExplain the mechanism by which each choice works? (1mark)

9QWhich of these agents is considered a lifesaving drug for Marie? GET YOUR QUALITY 100% CUSTOM RESEARCH PAPER TODAY 

person with left sided stroke

person with left sided stroke

1) Top 3 priority assessments

2) Priority labs and dx studies

3) Patient education needs

4) Brief patho of main diagnosis

5) Three pertinent nursing diagnosis

6) Priority interventions

7) Possible medications that may

The following and give rationale/why for your answers osis – be ordered for patient’s diagnosis (3-4 meds) GET YOUR QUALITY 100% CUSTOM RESEARCH PAPER TODAY 

who has a history of migraines

Maxine, who has a history of migraines, goes to the ER because she cannot get her migraine, without aura, not intractable, without status migrainous; pain under control. The ER physician completes an expanded problem Tocused history, expanded problem focused exam, and medical decision making of low complexity. She receives an Normal Saline IV for hydration, 1000ml (READ the guidelines for this!) (her vomiting has caused her to become dehydrated). This goes on for 1 hour. She also receives an IV push of Demerol/Phenergan, 25 mg concurrently. Treatment! (NOTE – Look up the generic names for these drugs! Why only one box?). Her pain and vomiting subside, so she is sent home.

E&M Code

ICD-10-CM Code(s)

Procedure Code(s) – This is for the IV push for the drug.

J Code(s)


Module 10 Assignment

DNT 200 Module 10 Assignment (Study Guide 9)

 Jossy is 6 year old girl and is in elementary school.  At her last doctor visit, her measured height was 46 inches and her weight was 61 pounds.  Her pediatrician voiced concern over Jossy’s excessive weight gain over the past year.  Her usual diet consists of sweetened cereal with whole milk and fruit juice for breakfast and a juice drink and crackers for her mid-morning snack.  On school days, Jossy buys her lunch at school; her favorite menu items are pizza and tacos.  Jossy’s mom states that she started a new job this past year, which requires that Jossy attend an after-school program until 6 in the evening.  She receives a snack there, usually an 8 oz box of fruit juice and crackers.  Jossy’s parents report that Jossy is “always hungry” and they will often stop for her favorite chicken nuggets, fries, and soda on late evenings when the family is too tired to cook.  Jossy likes to play video games and has a computer and television in her room.  Her father complains that she spends more time in her room than playing outside.  Jossy’s mother is overweight and her father is of normal weight, although he states he was overweight when he was a child.  The family has discussed getting more exercise on the weekends but are not sure how to add this to their already busy schedules.

(a).  Calculate Jossy’s body mass index (BMI) and use this to           evaluate her weight status using the information in How               To 16-2 on page 503 in the text.

                        (b) From the information in chapter 16 in your text, what are some                                        factors that may have contributed to Jossy’s excess weight gain over                               the past year?

                      (c)   Considering her age and the information in chapter 16, what do you                               think would be a reasonable weight management goal for Jossy?

                      (d)  Using the recommendations in Table 16-9, what strategies would you                              suggest that Jossy and her parents incorporate into their current                                      lifestyle?

(e.) Based on her usual intake, identify at least 2 or 3 nutrients likely to be deficient in Jossy’s diet.  What major food groups provide these nutrients?

(f.)Assuming her current level of activity, what are Jossy’s estimated daily kcalorie needs according to Table 16-7?  GET YOUR QUALITY 100% CUSTOM RESEARCH PAPER TODAY 

A 65-year-old patient is 8 days post op after a total knee replacement

A 65-year-old patient is 8 days post op after a total knee replacement. Patient suddenly complains of shortness of breath, pleuritic chest pain, and palpitations. On arrival to the emergency department, an EKG revealed new onset atrial fibrillation and right ventricular strain pattern – T wave inversions in the right precordial leads (V1-4) ± the inferior leads (II, III, aVF). Identify The cardiovascular and cardiopulmonary pathophysiologic processes that result in the patient presenting these symptoms. Address Any racial/ethnic variables that may impact physiological functioning. How do these processes interact to affect the patient? GET YOUR QUALITY 100% CUSTOM RESEARCH PAPER TODAY 

The Instructor will assign ten(10) drug cards per week

  • The Instructor will assign ten(10) drug cards per week, in specific areas. Each card will be worth 1      point. You will not receive the points for the cards if they are not submitted      within the week when due.

  • Cards must be handwritten,      legible, and on ruled index cards.

  • All information required on the      card must be completed or you will not receive the point for the card.

  • The following information must      be on the Drug Card for Each Drug:

    • Generic and Trade /Brand Names       ( American Only )

    • Classifications:

      • Therapeutic

      • Pharmacological

    • Indications/Uses

    • Contraindications

    • Adverse reactions by all       systems

    • Safe dosage range

    • 3 nursing implications

    • Action











Many people refer to various parts of their reproductive system by street vernacular or slang terms

Many people refer to various parts of their reproductive system by street vernacular or slang terms. However, the medical terms are more appropriate for workers in the medical field. Sexual reproduction in humans involves the coordination between two different system we refer to as male and female. Use medical language and terminology to describe and explain 3 major differences between the male reproductive system and the female reproductive system. Minimum of 200 words GET YOUR QUALITY 100% CUSTOM RESEARCH PAPER TODAY