comparing two different educational degrees in nursing (ADN and BSN)

You are examining results that are comparing two different educational degrees in nursing (ADN and BSN) to their reported levels of commitment to the profession. The researcher set the alpha level (the level of statistical significance) prior to the study at p< 0.05. Which of the findings below demonstrate statistical significance, based on the researcher’s alpha level?
Group of answer choices

No significant difference was found between associate degree and baccalaureate graduates’ scores (t= 1.96, p = 0.04).

No decision can be made as to whether a significant difference was found among diploma, associate degree, and baccalaureate graduates’ scores.

A significant difference was found between associate degree and baccalaureate graduates’ scores (t=2.56, p = 0.01).

A significant difference was found between associate degree and baccalaureate graduates’ scores (t =1.25, p = 0.24).

nursing essay writing

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