Definitions of therapeutic communication and holistic communication

Please post original discussion response to all of the topics belowCompare and contrast the definitions of therapeutic communication and holistic communication      (provided below).2. Describe a specific patient encounter when you used or could have used holistic communication to promote a better outcome. (In this case write about a patient seeking treatment for detoxing from opioids and alcohol.Describe the therapeutic healing environment as it relates to holistic nursing.What is the nurse’s role in providing a therapeutic healing environment? How will you use this knowledge in your everyday nursing practice?Holistic Communication:A caring, healing process that calls forth the full use ofself in interacting with another. It incorporates the constructs and processes of therapeutic communication within a framework that acknowledges the infinite, spiritual, and energetic nature of Being, the centrality of being heart-centered, and the importance of intention, self-knowledge, transcendent presence, and intuition in our interactions. (Dossey & Keegan, 2016)Therapeutic Communication:A goal-directed form of communication used to achieve goals that promote client health and well-being. Empathy, unconditional regard, genuineness, respect, concern, caring, and compassion are conveyed through active listening, active observing, focusing, restating, reflecting, and interpreting. (Dossey & Keegan, 2016)Reference: Dossey, B., & Keegan, L. (2016). Holistic nursing: A handbook for practice, (7th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning, Inc.APA format with intext citationReferences with in the last 5 yearsSimilarities report less them 10%

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