diagnosis of GI stromal tumor

A middle-aged patient has received a diagnosis of GI stromal tumor following an extensive diagnostic workup. Imatinib has been recommended as a component of the patient’s drug regimen. What patient education should the nurse provide to this patient?

A) “It’s important that you let us know if you develop any significant swelling or puffiness.”
B) “Try to keep your PICC line dressing as dry as possible at all times.”
C) “You’ll likely experience a lot of dry mouth while you’re taking this drug, so it’s helpful to chew ice chips.”
D) “If you experience significant nausea after taking a dose, stop taking the drug and schedule an appointment at the clinic.” how-to-draft-an-mla-essay-format-piece write-my-essay-services-how-to-choose-the-right-one

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