Don Quixote

1. Identify five (5) values portrayed in the novel/movie Don Quixote. Provide a description of the value as is appears in the novel/movie. Then, explain how the value applies to our current society. Complete table belowValue                     Context in Don Quixote                  Application to Modern Society1. Based on the five (5) values identifies in the novel/movie Don Quixote, show how those values are portrayed in the previous ages studied in this course (Greek Philosophers, Confucius, Roman Laws, Middle Ages Universities, Renaissance). Provide a description of the value as is appears in the previous topics. Then, explain how the value applies to our current society.Don Quixote Value             Alternative Value in Greek Philosophers,           Application to ModernConfucius, Roman Laws, Middle Ages                  SocietyUniversities, Renaissance1.

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