field practicum

hi dear,can help me to finish this assignment with good quality and be on time please?Please follow the instructor carefully.Capstone Paper (Signature Assignment)•This section contains information about the Capstone Paper and Presentation.•Students should read and review the attached guidelines and rubrics for a better understanding of the requirements. ••The capstone paper will serve as a valuable tool for the self-assessment of students’ competency level across the eight domains of the core competencies for Public Health Professionals. • •Students can use this as an opportunity to develop a learning plan and choosing learning opportunities that will help them reach their goals and meet the requirements for continuing competence in their occupation or discipline.The Capstone Paper will serve as a valuable tool for self-assessment of students’ competency levels across the eight domains of the core competencies for Public Health Professionals .Students can refer to the attached rubric and sample capstone paper for further guidance on the requirements.Thanks,

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