Focused history

Document a focused history, physical exam, nursing diagnoses, and nursing process of a case study from NUR-641E: Advanced Pathophysiology and Pharmacology for Nurse Educators and compare the differences with a complete assessment. At least 3-4 referencesCase StudyA 22-year-old woman reports being “sick with the flu” for the past 8 days. She is vomiting several times every day, having difficulty keeping liquids or food down, and has been using more than the recommended dose of antacids in an attempt to calm the nausea. She has become severely dehydrated. After fainting at home, she was taken to a local hospital. An arterial blood gas sample was drawn and then an IV was placed to help rehydrate her. The arterial blood gas revealed the following:Test Result           Normal levelspH 7.5 7.35 – 7.45PaCO2 40 mm Hg 35-45 mm HgPaO2 95 mm Hg 80-100 mm HgSaO2                        97% 95-100%HCO3-      32 meq/liter 22-26 meq/liter

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