Lab Assignment: Claim Submission Differences/Describe an Insurance Company’s Process

Go to at least two of the following insurance carrier websites that lay out their claim submission guidelines. Identify at least three differences between two of the insurance carrier’s policies. In a Word document, for each item you found, write one paragraph for each of the differences. Be sure to identify the carriers. Save the Word document as “SubmissionDifferences”.BCBS-IL Claim Submission Home Page (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.Anthem Claims Submission Guidelines (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.Cigna Claim Submission Guidelines (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.Research an insurance company website, such as Aetna, BCBS, or Cigna. Find a page where it provides instructions for submitting a claim. In a Word document, describe the process in terms a non-billing professional might understand, especially special cases or exceptions. Save the document as “ClaimProcess”

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