Nursing Leadership Case study

1.To what extent is this problem due to a failure to lead? Who has failed to act?

Rosemary’s problem attributes to the fact that she is not getting enough attention from clinical experts as her colleague Jan. Jan works alongside experienced staff; Rosemary works alone during her night shift. I believe Rosemary wishes to work alongside an experienced team to gain the relevant knowledge and experience like her colleague. That way, if a problem arises, she would report to a clinical. She should have expressed her concerns in good time; thus, to some extent, she is to blame.

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I feel that the nurse manager failed to act; she should be available to address any problems encountered by Rosemary and guide her through the challenging tasks she may face in her line of work. In this scenario, the manager fails to take her roles seriously. The case illustrates that she lets her assistant assign duty schedules without confirming if the allocation is right. She fails in staff management, scheduling, and educating roles (Espinoza et al. 2009). As a new staff, Rosemary lacked proper orientation and education; thus, it was irresponsible for the nurse manager to schedule her for a nightshift alone. Such acts could have legal implications.

  1. What style of leadership was displayed by Rosemary? The nurse manager?

Both Rosemary and the Nurse manager displays a poor leadership approach. Rosemary shows her willingness to express her concerns to the nurse manager; we cannot justify this as good leadership since she fails to see the nurse manager and communicate promptly. The nurse manager demonstrates a Laissez-faire form of leadership. Silvestri & Silvestri (2019). indicate that Laissez-faire entails assigning roles to the employees and entrusting them to work with minimal or no supervision; this form of leadership gives employees a sense of belonging. However, it is essential to note that all employees do not have equal capability and enough potential to achieve organizational objectives. Therefore, before entrusting Rosemary, the nurse manager should ensure that Rosemary has enough potential to deliberate the assigned tasks successfully.

  1. How effective was their leadership? What are your suggestions for Rosemary?

The form of leadership displayed in the case scenario is ineffective. The management shows no concern for the employee. Although Rosemary tried to reach the nurse manager on several occasions, she was never available. Favoritism is also evident in this scenario. Jan worked through all the day shifts when the nurse manager and other colleagues are available to guide her in her roles while Rosemary is left to work alone at night. I feel that they should have alternating shifts where sometimes Rosemary would also work during the day. I suggest that Rosemary should be bold enough to walk to the Nurse manager and express her concerns. She should also invoke a safe harbor if she feels that she is not ready for the assigned role. She must take action before things get out of hand or cause any harm to a patient, which she might suffer legal consequences. One cannot defend herself through ignorance on legal matters. Alternatively, Rosemary should always ask for directions from a more experienced colleague in the pediatric unit.


Chaudhry, A. Q., & Javed, H. (2012). Impact of transactional and laissez-faire leadership style on motivation. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 3(7).

Silvestri, L. A., & Silvestri, A. E. (2019). Saunders Comprehensive Review for the Nclex-Rn (r) Examination-E-Book. Saunders. Nursing Quarterly, 32(4), 327-334.

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