On the basis of the information in the case study, provide a principal (primary) and a secondary diagnosis for the person using the most recent DSM codes. You will also discuss your diagnoses in narra

On the basis of the information in the case study, provide a principal (primary) and a secondary diagnosis for the person using the most recent DSM codes. You will also discuss your diagnoses in narrative (paragraph) form. Then, identify and discuss at least one differential (possible alternate) diagnosis for the principal diagnosis and at least one differential (possible alternate) diagnosis for the secondary diagnosis that you gave. Lastly, discuss whether a diagnosis from other conditions that may be a focus of clinical attention is warranted.

While you are welcome to list medical conditions that might be a concern, your primary and secondary diagnoses should be psychological conditions listed in DSM-5.

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Your paper should have separate sections for:

  • Principal and secondary diagnoses
  • The reasons for selecting the principal and secondary diagnoses
  • Social and cultural factors that may influence the principal and secondary diagnoses
  • Differential diagnoses, including a consideration of whether a diagnosis from other conditions are applicable
  • The reasons for selecting the differential diagnoses
  • Your rationale and justification for why your actual diagnoses are a better fit than your differential diagnoses

Include citations and references in APA style. Your paper should be 5–7 pages in length.

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