Phase 3 y 4

InstructionsPhase 3: Analyzing the Aggregate Strengths and WeaknessesFor Phase 3 of the Capstone project, analyze and describe the strengths and weaknesses of the aggregateand the community where the aggregate resides.Be sure to apply Mobilize, Assess, Plan, Implement, Track (MAP-IT) in your assessment process.By the due date assigned, submit your response in a 1-page Microsoft Word document.Support your responses with examples.Cite all sources in APA format.Phase 4: Risk AssessmentFor Phase 4 of your project, you will select a family in your aggregate and complete a risk assessment inthe field using the information from chapter 18 “Community as Client: Assessment and Analysis” and”Appendix D Friedman Family Assessment Model (Short Form)” as a guide. Describe how the family,environment, home, and risk assessments were conducted, using your course textbook as a reference.Describe the results of the assessments, drawing conclusions about the health risks to the aggregate as yousee them.By the due date assigned, submit your response in a 2- to 3-page Microsoft Word document.Support your responses with examples.Cite all sources in APA format.Submission Details:Combine Phase 3 and Phase 4 documents into one paper. Use bold sub-headings in the paper to distinguishPhase 3 from Phase 4.Phase 3: Analyzing the Aggregate Strengths and Weaknesses and Phase 4: Risk AssessmentName your combined document SU_NSG4075_W4_Project_LastName_FirstInitial_Phase3andPhase4.doc.Submit your combined document to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.

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