Powerpoint Title Imogene King’s Theory of Goal Attainment Should Consist Of 15-20 Slides. Rubric Is Attached

Title   Imogene King’s Theory of Goal AttainmentYour presentation needs to include the following:A. Learning objectives for presentation, brief background on theorist, and usefulness/relevance of theory in current healthcare3 pointsB. Appropriateness of theory to role of nurse practitioner & presentation of key points of theory and applicability of concepts to daily advanced nursing practice and MSN Essentials10 pointsC. Critique [evaluation of theory’s strengths/weaknesses and discussion of future practice implications]5 pointsD. Creativity & organization of presentation (bullet points & excerpts only, slides should not be cluttered or contain lengthy paragraphs/ graphs, statistics and graphics should be included in presentation)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         2 points

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