Read Issue 1.3 “Is Free Will and Illusion?” (starting on page 51). Answer the following points and submit in a WORD file. 1. Discuss the arguments for and against free will. Be sure to include severa

Read Issue 1.3 “Is Free Will and Illusion?” (starting on page 51).

Answer the following points and submit in a WORD file. 

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1. Discuss the arguments for and against free will. Be sure to include several points in support of each view.

2. Discuss what is meant by a “causal agent” and by a feeling of agency being a “necessary illusion”.

3. Do you believe we have free will? Do you think most other people believe we have free will? Why do you and others believe what you do? 

IMPORTANT: Remember to closely follow the guidelines for written assignments in this course that are detailed in the Syllabus, which include (a) limit the length of the post (250 words including references – please write the actual number of words at the end of your post), (b) check for plagiarism, (c) APA style of citation and referencing, and (d) use of complete sentences and capitalization (this is not a text message board). No outside sources. I am attaching files of the articles

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