the current ACE inhibitor medication

A patient in the clinic reports difficulty tolerating the current ACE inhibitor medication, and
questions if another medication could be used. The nurse correctly suspects the prescriber
will choose which medication, which affects the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system?
a. atenolol
b. losartan
c. spironolactone
d. adenosine

. The nurse is caring for a patient who is taking warfarin. The nurse notes the presence of
gross hematuria and large areas of bruising on the patient’s body. The nurse notifies the
health care prescriber and anticipates what medication will be ordered?
a. heparin sulfate
b. protamine sulfate
c. phytonadione (Vitamin K)
d. oral potassium supplements DO MY PAPER AND GUARANTEE 5 STARS QUALITY

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