The question 2 Answered Points out of 2.00 Not flagged Flag question Question text

The question  2 Answered Points out of 2.00 Not flagged Flag questionQuestion textThe patient in Question #1 has been receiving palliative care for 6 months and has had improvement in some of his symptoms, but with worsening dementia, he gets up one night to use the bathroom and falls.  He is admitted to the hospital with a hip fracture and has an open reduction and internal fixation.  His postoperative course is complicated by pneumonia, delirium, pressure ulcers on his heels and sacrum, and weight loss. His wife is concerned about the ability to care for him and the doctor has told her that his dementia and heart failure have steadily progressed and recommends hospice care?a.       Is this man a candidate for hospice care?b.    What factors about the patient do you think have prompted the doctor to suggest hospice care instead of continuing with palliative care?

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