This week we talked about misinformation and its possible remedies. Here some questions regarding this topic:

This week we talked about misinformation and its possible remedies. Here some questions regarding this topic:

-What do you think are some factors that are driving the rise of misinformation during the Covid-19 pandemic (the so called “infodemic”)? 
-What are some of the possible remedies to the rise of misinformation that you think could be effective? 

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Please respond to me and/or other students. Try to have an interactive discussion with one another as much as possible. Two sources that can help you in this discussion (in addition to the content in LECTURE 11):

-An article from Nature about some of the research around misinformation: (链接到外部网站。)

-In lecture, we discussed this PBS video about misinformation during the Covid-19 pandemic:The dangerous global flood of misinformation surrounding COVID-19 (链接到外部网站。)

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