Training Tools assignment

WATCH THE TWO VIDEOS TO ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS:***This document will be in Microsoft Word and the submission should be 2 PAGES*** (Links to an external site.)From the Sinek Video (1ST VIDEO LINK):What did  he say about the “Feeling of Fulfillment”?What was the purpose behind his discussion of how we replace our time and our energy?He mentions Vulnerability and Risk.  What are our responsibilities as leaders and how do we fulfill them?What does he say about trust?What is your impression of his “clear destination” example from a leadership perspective?From the Maxwell Video (2ND VIDEO LINK):What is the Law of the lid?How do we lift the lid?What is the Law of Magnetism?What are the pillars for Maxwell’s Rule of 5?  Include examples and personal reflection on each one. (I am not looking for a definition of these  pillars)

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