
In this assignment, you will review the interactiveMental Health Anxiety Case Study.https://lmscontent.embanet.com/RC/Media/memphis/NU641/lesson_05/rc_nu614cs_05_splash.htmlpatient scenario and analyze the data to determine the health status of the patient. You will need a minimum of two evidence-based practice articles to include clinical practice guidelines, as well as the course textbook.Use theNU641 Mental Health Anxiety Case Study Questions (Word)document to complete the case study assignment.Follow the requirements posted in the rubric.This case study should be three to five pages, excluding title and references pages.All papers must conform to the most recent APA standards.patient scenario and analyze the data to determine the health status of the patient. You will need a minimum of two evidence-based practice articles to include clinical practice guidelines, as well as the course textbook.Use theNU641 Mental Health Anxiety Case Study Questions (Word)document to complete the case study assignment.Follow the requirements posted in the rubric.This case study should be three to five pages, excluding title and references pages.All papers must conform to the most recent APA standardards.

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