Role Paper

Professional Role PaperThis is a formal paper in which the student chooses an advanced professional nursing role and explores this role in depth, as he/she will function. The Interview Paper will be used as a guide to complete this assignment. Compare and contrast the ideal and observed role according to professional guidelines, theory, and research reviewed in this course and in the literature. In other words, does actual application of practice really follow theory and literature? Make sure you provide a job description and how it relates to the domains of practice of the role. Discuss whether this role has leadership functions? Lastly, discuss how the current United States healthcare structure, in particular, the Affordable Care Act, impacts the particular role.The paper should include:· Title page· Abstract (no more than 250 words)· Introduction· Analysis: compare and contrast the ideal role and how it exists, discuss how the current United States Healthcare structure, in particular, the Affordable Care Act, impacts the particular role· Conclusion· Reference page (minimum of 5 references, excluding your text)· This paper should not exceed 8 pages (excluding title page, abstract, and reference page)· APA 7th ed. is the required format, double-space, 12 point font· Please refer to the Grading Rubric for written assignments

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