a client who has schizophrenia

  1. A nurse is providing discharge teaching about manifestations of relating to the family of a client who has schizophrenia. which of the should the nurse include in the teaching?  

    1. The client develops an inability to concentrate.  

    2. The client increases participation in social activities.  

    3. The client exhibits an inflated sense of self  

    4. The client begins more than usual  


  1. A nurse is assessing a client who has post-traumatic stress disorder. Which of the following findings should the nurse expect the  apply)  

    1. Blames others for their own mistakes  

    2. Difficulty falling or staying asleep  

    3. Talks excessively  

    4. Holds persistent negative beliefs about self  

    5. Has difficulty concentrating on set tasks  


  1. A nurse is speaking to a former high school friend. The friend states. “heard one of our high school teachers was admitted to your hospital. Is everything okay? Which of the following responses should the nurse make?  

    1. “I can only discuss the status of a client with the client’s family:  

    2. “I cannot discuss the care of anyone who might be hospitalized in our facility”  

    3. “I think that you should contact the high school for information about her  

    4. “I recommend you contact the hospital to see if she has been admitted.” WRITE MY ESSAY TODAY AT LESS THAN $15 AND BEST QUALITY  

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