As you are preparing morning medications

As you are preparing morning medications, the patient says, “I have had loose stools all
night long.” Your patient has scheduled docusate at 0900. What is the priority action?
a. Hold the medication and inform the healthcare provider.
b. Administer the medication as ordered.
c. Increase IV flow rate
d. Ask the healthcare provider to increase the dose of the medication.

. A patient taking SMZ/TMP asks the nurse what the name means. The nurse replies
sulfamethoxazole is combined with trimethoprim in SMZ/TMP to help the drug effectiveness.
How does this work?
a. Sulfamethoxazole acts along with trimethoprim as an anesthetic.
b. Sulfamethoxazole is highly protein bound and displaces the trimethoprim.
c. Sulfamethoxazole increases the excretion of trimethoprim, thereby increasing the
response in the bladder.
d. Sulfamethoxazole has a synergi GET YOUR QUALITY 100% CUSTOM RESEARCH PAPER TODAY 

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