he Assignment (2–3 pages):Describe how Nash’s symptoms of schizophrenia are presented in the film, including behavioral descriptions of his positive, negative, and/or psychomotor symptoms as appro

he Assignment (2–3 pages):

  • Describe how Nash’s symptoms of schizophrenia are presented in the film, including behavioral descriptions of his positive, negative, and/or psychomotor symptoms as appropriate.
  • Review the ways theorists explain schizophrenia using psychological and sociocultural factors (not biological), and offer your conceptualization of Nash’s development of schizophrenia from these two perspectives.
  • Based on your conceptualization above, what treatment options would you recommend? (Be sure to include at least one journal article in support of your chosen treatment options.) What type(s) of treatment(s) did Nash experience?
  • Is the success Nash experienced in managing his disorder common or uncommon for individuals who face symptoms of schizophrenia or a diagnosis of schizophrenia?

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  • Describe Frese’s symptoms of schizophrenia presented in the articles, including behavioral descriptions of his positive, negative, and/or psychomotor symptoms as appropriate.
  • Review the ways theorists explain schizophrenia using psychological and sociocultural factors (not biological), and offer your conceptualization of Frese’s development of schizophrenia from these two perspectives.
  • Based on your conceptualization above, what treatment options would you recommend? (Be sure to include at least one journal article in support of your chosen treatment options.) What type(s) of treatment(s) did Frese experience?
  • Is the success Frese experienced in managing his disorder common or uncommon for individuals who face symptoms of schizophrenia or a diagnosis of schizophrenia?

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