Imagine you are a researcher who is interested in studying whether sleep deprivation leads to increased reaction times (i.e., being slower) when driving. You randomly select a sample of 30 licensed dr

Imagine you are a researcher who is interested in studying whether sleep deprivation leads to increased reaction times (i.e., being slower) when driving. You randomly select a sample of 30 licensed drivers. Fifteen participants are randomly assigned to get 5 hours of sleep for three consecutive nights. The other 15 participants are randomly assigned to get 8 hours of sleep for three consecutive nights. For the purposes of this Assignment, assume that all participants sleep exactly the required amounts. After the third night, all participants take a driving simulation test that measures their reaction times.

  1. Explain whether the researcher should use an independent-samples t-test or a related-samples t-test for this scenario. Provide a rationale for your decision.
  2. Identify the independent variable and dependent variable.
  3. Knowing the researcher believes that people who sleep less will have slower reaction times, state the null hypothesis and alternate hypothesis in words (not formulas).
  4. Explain whether the researcher should use a one-tailed test or two-tailed test and why.
  5. Identify the obtained t value for this data set using SPSS and report it in your answer document.
  6. State the degrees of freedom and explain how you calculated it by hand.
  7. Identify the p value using SPSS and report it in your answer document.
  8. Explain whether the researcher should retain or reject the null hypothesis. Provide a rationale for your decision. Are the results statistically significant?
  9. Explain what the researcher can conclude about the relationship between amount of sleep and reaction times.

Be sure to fully explain the rationale for your answer to each question, including evidence from the text and Learning Resources.

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