Management Team Briefing on Employment Laws


In your new role as chief human resources officer (CHRO) for a major retail organization, you have been tasked by the CEO to conduct a presentation to the management team on employment law awareness within your first 30 days. The CEO informed you that under the previous CHRO, the company was subject to legal action resulting from lack of knowledge of employment law, which had unfavorable outcomes. Avoiding similar experiences is a high priority, and your thorough presentation to the management team is the first big step to success.

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Prepare a 15 slide PowerPoint presentation in which you:

1. Include cover, agenda, conclusion, and reference list slides, all of which may count toward total slide count.

2. Provide a 1–2 slide overview of employment law based on information found in Chapter 1 of Employment Law for Human Resource Practice (attached below). Note: You may use your discretion to decide which information needs to be addressed as long as your overview is descriptive and relevant.

3. Include in the remaining slides the following required presentation information:

  • o Provide a three-slide minimum covering at least six strong bullet points highlighting a discussion on the roles of employees and employers in terms of determining employment relationships.
  • o Provide a three-slide minimum covering at least six strong bullet points highlighting a discussion on the concept of employment discrimination.
  • o Provide a three-slide minimum covering at least six strong bullet points highlighting a discussion on the types of discrimination.
  • o Provide a three-slide minimum covering at least six strong bullet points highlighting a discussion on retaliation.

1. Go to Basic Search: Strayer University Online Library to locate at least three quality academic resources for this assignment. Note: You may only use the resources listed in the course syllabus and those that are specifically provided by the instructor.

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