medical history of HTN, thyroid cancer

You are the AGACNP in the emergency room. A 55-year-old Caucasian male with a past medical history of HTN, thyroid cancer, and diverticulitis presents with crushing chest pain. His chest pain developed one hour ago after eating a large steak and potato dinner. He states the pain is 10 out of 10 and is not relieved by antacids. He is also diaphoretic and anxious. You review his 12 lead EKG, as per below.

Using the EKG strip, answer questions A-D.

A. What part of the area of the heart is showing an evolving infarct?

a. Inferior

b. Anterior

c. Lateral

d. Posterior

B. Which leads show ST elevation?


b. V1-V3



C. Where would you expect to find reciprocal changes?

a. Reciprocal changes in at least AVL

b. Reciprocal changes in lead III

c. Reciprocal changes in lead IV and V

d. There are No reciprocal changes.

D. What coronary artery is the likely cause?

a. The Right Coronary artery in most cases as it is usually dominant, however in some patients the left circumflex is dominant and thus the culprit for an inferior MI.

b. The left anterior descending

c. The septal artery

d. none of the above How To Draft An MLA Essay Format Piece  Argumentative Essay Writing: What You Need To Know

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