Module 10 Assignment

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DNT 200 Module 10 Assignment (Study Guide 9)

 Jossy is 6 year old girl and is in elementary school.  At her last doctor visit, her measured height was 46 inches and her weight was 61 pounds.  Her pediatrician voiced concern over Jossy’s excessive weight gain over the past year.  Her usual diet consists of sweetened cereal with whole milk and fruit juice for breakfast and a juice drink and crackers for her mid-morning snack.  On school days, Jossy buys her lunch at school; her favorite menu items are pizza and tacos.  Jossy’s mom states that she started a new job this past year, which requires that Jossy attend an after-school program until 6 in the evening.  She receives a snack there, usually an 8 oz box of fruit juice and crackers.  Jossy’s parents report that Jossy is “always hungry” and they will often stop for her favorite chicken nuggets, fries, and soda on late evenings when the family is too tired to cook.  Jossy likes to play video games and has a computer and television in her room.  Her father complains that she spends more time in her room than playing outside.  Jossy’s mother is overweight and her father is of normal weight, although he states he was overweight when he was a child.  The family has discussed getting more exercise on the weekends but are not sure how to add this to their already busy schedules.

(a).  Calculate Jossy’s body mass index (BMI) and use this to           evaluate her weight status using the information in How               To 16-2 on page 503 in the text.

                        (b) From the information in chapter 16 in your text, what are some                                        factors that may have contributed to Jossy’s excess weight gain over                               the past year?

                      (c)   Considering her age and the information in chapter 16, what do you                               think would be a reasonable weight management goal for Jossy?

                      (d)  Using the recommendations in Table 16-9, what strategies would you                              suggest that Jossy and her parents incorporate into their current                                      lifestyle?

(e.) Based on her usual intake, identify at least 2 or 3 nutrients likely to be deficient in Jossy’s diet.  What major food groups provide these nutrients?

(f.)Assuming her current level of activity, what are Jossy’s estimated daily kcalorie needs according to Table 16-7?  GET YOUR QUALITY 100% CUSTOM RESEARCH PAPER TODAY 

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