Note: this is about being a life coach: meaning life coach subject matter. Create a “living guide” of coaching steps that a life coach would use in an initial session to assist in building a road

Note: this is about being a life coach: meaning life coach subject matter. 

Create a “living guide” of coaching steps that a life coach would use in an initial session to assist in building a road map with the client (review the text on pages 47 – 55 for steps). 

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I have attached Pages 47-55 in a PDF file for a reference.  The book reference is listed below. 


Williams, P., & Menendez, D. S. (2007). Becoming a professional life coach: Lessons from the institute for life coach training. New York, NY, US: W W Norton & Co.

In 750-1,000 words, include the following in your “living guide””

  1. Summarize each coaching step.
  2. Describe, for each coaching step, the strategies you would use in an initial client session.
  3. Explain what skills the coach will need to effectively apply the step/strategy with a client.

Include three to five scholarly references.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

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