Please open the following file to see instructions for the journal article summary, which is any topic of your choice in the field of developmental psychology. You can follow the format as in the samp

Please open the following file to see instructions for the journal article summary, which is any topic of your choice in the field of developmental psychology. You can follow the format as in the sample provided, however I want the reference on the last page, and use 1.5 line spacing as well as a title page, this will then make your paper more than 1 page. To select a journal, use the WCCC online database, then look for EBSCO and enter your search words. If you need assistance, Lisa in the library is available to help you. Now, for APA format, our online library has a tab for citations, then click on APA. Lisa has a sample paper which will show you the title page, and how a reference should look on the last page.


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