Provide a brief description of the major social issues occurring at the time this nurse lived Describe two contributions made to nursing Discuss how these two unique contributions influenced nursing

  1. Provide a brief description of the major social issues occurring at the time this nurse lived
  2. Describe two contributions made to nursing
  3. Discuss how these two unique contributions influenced nursing as we know it today
  4. Minimum length 2-3 pages not including cover or referencing. APA formatting with referencing and in text citation.

You may use your textbook, readings and the following for background information.

ANA Hall of Fame

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American Association for the History of Nursing

Museum of Nursing History – Slide Show Gallery

Strout, K. (2012). Wellness promotion and the Institute of Medicine’s future of nursing report: Are nurses ready? Holistic Nursing Practice 26(3), 129-136. 

This assignments must have accurate spelling and grammar and use APA Editorial Format for sources and reference.

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