Psychology Essay

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This part is 5 points per question for a total of 25 points.

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Answer each question in a minimum of 100 words each. Use correct spelling and grammar. Cite sources as necessary.


1. Compare psychology’s definition of aggression from how it is used in everyday language, and describe the biological factors that make humans prone to hurt one another. How do social-cultural and psychological factors trigger this behavior?

2.Compare distress and eustress. Why do you think some stress is good for us?

3.Describe the main dissociative disorders and explain why they are controversial.

4.Lesson 14 describes Carl Rogers’ client-centered approach to therapy. Describe the basic themes of humanistic therapy and the specific goals and techniques used in the client-centered approach. (Need reading attachments)

5.How might culture and values influence the therapist-client relationship? What are some of the barriers different cultures face in seeking and receiving therapeutic services?

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