PU660 DQ7

Food, Water, and Nutrition

Before posting to the Discussion this week, log into your Global Health Learning Account and complete ONE of the following trainings: 1) Diarrheal Disease, 2) Nutrition: An Introduction OR 3) Social and Behavioral Change for Nutrition, and earn a certificate.

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After completing the training upload your certificate to the discussion.

  1. Share three interesting things you learned from the training.
  2. How did it relate to this week’s required reading?
  3. Which of the required reading items did you find most interesting and why?
  4. Were there differences in approach between the reading and the training?
  5. What is the global impact of the issue? (provide hard data)
  6. What is one evidence-based solution?

Use the training name as your subject line. Include a full APA formatted reference list. Number and label each item.

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