Role of the Forensic Counselor, (500–650 words), psychology homework help

The forensic psychology professional performs very different tasks in different contexts when conducting forensic counseling as compared to clinical therapeutic (treatment-oriented) counseling. Using professional literature, identify and describe at least five differences between forensic assessment and counseling and clinical assessment and counseling. Professional literature may include the Argosy University online library resources; relevant textbooks; peer-reviewed journal articles; and websites created by professional organizations, agencies, and institutions (.edu, .org, and .gov).

Ensure that you analyze the ethical implications of these differences. Provide references and examples to support your analysis.

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Discuss how these differences reflect the differences and similarities in the roles of the forensic correctional counselor and the clinical counselor.

Post your responses in about 500–650 words.

Follow APA guidelines for writing and citing sources.

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