severe headache

R. O. is a 21-year-old female who comes to the emergency department because of a severe headache. Her vital signs and neurological examination are within normal limits. She complains of a pulse-like pain in her right temple and admits that she has almost vomited. Her mother gets the same type of headache and the last time this happened R.O. took one of her mother’s prescription headache pills. They helped a lot, but this time her mother told her she had to come be evaluated. The AGACNP knows that which of the following is the appropriate action?

A. A non-contrast CT scan of the head

B. Administration of a 5HT agonist

C. Dilaudid 2 mg IM x 1 dose

D. Requesting a headache diary Write my Essay Services: How To Choose The Right One How to Write A Nursing Essay Like a Pro

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