should the nurse prioritize to see first

 Which client admitted to the emergency department should the nurse prioritize to see first?

a. The client with a contusion of the leg

b. The client with a bruise of the arm

c. The client with a laceration of the arm

d The client with a puncture wound of the chest.

C. 76) A nurse is teaching a wellness group among a group of older adult women. One of the women has asked for advice about preventing osteoporosis, which affects many of her friends. What is the nurse’s best response to the woman’s query?

a. “Osteoporosis has been shown to have a strong genetic basis so there is little you can do to prevent it.”

b. “Weight-bearing exercise is helpful, as are calcium supplements.”

c. “If possible, scaling back your hormone replacement therapy will reduce your osteoporosis risk.”

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