The nurse is administering oxycodone to a patient

The nurse is administering oxycodone to a patient. Which common side effect should the
nurse teach the patient about?
a. Paresthesia in lower extremities.
b. Increased intracranial pressure.
c. Occipital headache.
d. Drowsiness.

. Enteric coated acetylsalicylic acid has been prescribed for a patient to treat chronic arthritis.
The patient calls the clinic nurse because of gagging and difficulty swallowing the tablets.
What response would the nurse give to the patient?
a. “Crush the tablets and mix with juice or food”
b. “I’ll notify the healthcare provider for a medication change”
c. “Open the tablet and mix the contents with food”
d. “Swallow the tablets with large amounts of water or milk”

. A patient has an order for metoprolol. Prior to medication administration, what does the
nurse need to assess?
a. Respiration
b. Temperature
c. Heart rate

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