Week 10 Discussion post

For this discussion, reflect on how far you have come in your understanding of the psychology profession and the actions you will take to make a contribution in the field.

In your post:

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  • Discuss which course activities and readings were most helpful to you:
    • What useful career information did you came away with?
    • How do you think you will use critical thinking, research skills, and competencies that were emphasized in the course when you are working as a psychologist?
    • How do you think you might use the services of Capella’s Career Center to help you stay focused on your professional goals, now and throughout your program?
  • Explain how you will contribute to your field and the welfare of your clients when you are a working psychologist.
  • Specify ways in which you envision yourself giving back to your community beyond practicing in field.

Be sure to cite course readings to support your statements.

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