who has a history of migraines

Maxine, who has a history of migraines, goes to the ER because she cannot get her migraine, without aura, not intractable, without status migrainous; pain under control. The ER physician completes an expanded problem Tocused history, expanded problem focused exam, and medical decision making of low complexity. She receives an Normal Saline IV for hydration, 1000ml (READ the guidelines for this!) (her vomiting has caused her to become dehydrated). This goes on for 1 hour. She also receives an IV push of Demerol/Phenergan, 25 mg concurrently. Treatment! (NOTE – Look up the generic names for these drugs! Why only one box?). Her pain and vomiting subside, so she is sent home.

E&M Code

ICD-10-CM Code(s)

Procedure Code(s) – This is for the IV push for the drug.

J Code(s)


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