Your second individual paper is to review a paper written by a prior Research Methods and Design student. You will have to spot APA formatting mistakes, find the hypotheses, IVs, and DVs, and ultima

 Your second individual paper is to review a paper written by a prior Research Methods and Design student. You will have to spot APA formatting mistakes, find the hypotheses, IVs, and DVs, and ultimately write an abstract for the research article. Sounds simple, right? It’s actually tougher than it looks. For the abstract, you will have to 1). Describe the purpose of the study; 2). Describe the variables (IVs and DVs); 3). Describe the methods 4). Describe the results; and 5). Describe the implications of the study. The tough part is doing this in 150 to 200 words. An example assignment, grading checklist, and instructions for this assignment are available on CANVAS. 

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